יום שישי, 22 בפברואר 2013
יום חמישי, 21 בפברואר 2013
if any one can help
one on skype cant broadcast, no one is helpin , no one realy cares, n the internet is full of selfish assholes that r only interested in shoes , i am bored as fuck already!!! ..... life sux ass when
people treat others like shit and are ignored..... ask for help but nada
fill the forms wait in line n please grease u r self up n spread em
..... im sick of it all man ... looked on my phone list got hundreds of
numbers social workers, court houses, lawyers, municipality phone
company, electric and on and on... n only 3 people i can call and 2 aint
interested n the 3rd was busy ..... im fucked ... no friends no future
no nothing ...im toast .. and it wouldnt be so bad to live in the street
but i have a 14 year old kid i need to do for his future so he dont
end up like a used bum like his dad .... i hate myself and the choices i
was forced to make..
if any one can help me think of anything
comment n if u aint got nothing constructive to say dont say it at all!
cause i am not complaining i am reveling what is in me and my pain...
server u r country n get fucked ... no help from no one that has the
authority ... i get spit at look at funny and called lazy ....
especially my veterans day posts so im a kid in my mamas basement....
and what have you done ? i hate my life ! but i love my son!

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