יום שישי, 20 בינואר 2012

KOPIMISM: Kopimism Kopimists CopyMe LAUNCHED!

Thursday, 19 January 2012
KOPIMISM: Kopimism Kopimists CopyMe LAUNCHED!
Proudly announcing the launch of the World's First Kopimism Kopimist CopyMe!!


JOIN the world's first KOPIMISM KOPIMISTS COPYME now! Don't Delay a Second!!


Please spread the word to the world about this AMAZING NEW DEVELOPMENT


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#OTB - Campaign Rabbit
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#NINJA Rabbit - Rabbit Goes Turtles!
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#COPYME Rabbit - KOPIMI Rabbit http://paper.li/occupyofficial/1326772796l! 

The Ultimate Guide for Anonymous and Secure Internet Usage v1.0.1

By Doemela avatar | November 24, 2011 - 20:04 | Posted in AnonyNews | 116 Comments
How to secure your computer and surf fully Anonymous BLACK-HAT STYLE
This is a guide with which even a total noob can get high class security for his system and complete anonymity online. But its not only for noobs, it contains a lot of tips most people will find pretty helpfull. It is explained so detailed even the biggest noobs can do it^^ :


=== The Ultimate Guide for Anonymous and Secure Internet Usage v1.0.1 ===

Table of Contents:
  1.   Obtaining Tor Browser
  2.   Using and Testing Tor Browser for the first time
  3.   Securing Your Hard Drive
  4.   Setting up TrueCrypt, Encrypted Hidden Volumes
  5.   Testing TrueCrypt Volumes
  6.   Securing your Hard Disk
  7.   Temporarily Securing Your Disk, Shredding Free Space
  8.   Installing VirtualBox
  9.   Installing a Firewall
  10.   Firewall Configuration
  11.   Installing Ubuntu
  12.   Ubuntu Initial Setup
  13.   Installing Guest Additions
  14.   Installing IRC (Optional)
  15.   Installing Torchat (Optional)
  16.   Creating TOR-Only Internet Environment
  17.   General Daily Usage
By the time you are finished reading and implementing this guide, you will be able to securely and anonymously browse any website and to do so anonymously. No one not even your ISP or a government agent will be able to see what you are doing online. If privacy and anonymity is important to you, then you owe it to yourself to follow the instructions that are presented here.
In order to prepare this guide for you, I have used a computer that is running Windows Vista. This guide will work equally well for other versions of Windows. If you use a different operating system, you may need to have someone fluent in that operating system guide you through this process. However, most parts of the process are easily duplicated in other operating systems.
I have written this guide to be as newbie friendly as possible. Every step is fully detailed and explained. I have tried to keep instructions explicit as possible. This way, so long as you patiently follow each step, you will be just fine.
In this guide from time to time you will be instructed to go to certain URLs to download files. You do NOT need TOR to get these files, and using TOR (while possible) will make these downloads very slow.
This guide may appear overwhelming. Every single step is explained thoroughly and it is just a matter of following along until you are done. Once you are finished, you will have a very secure setup and it will be well worth the effort. Even though the guide appears huge, this whole process should take at the most a few hours. You can finish it in phases over the course of several days.
It is highly recommended that you close *ALL* applications running on your computer before starting.
Next:1 : Obtaining Tor Browser
Share by MasterPirate

Kopimi by mazanga

בשם הקופי, הפייסט ורוח הביטורנט Kopimismכנסיית ה

בשם הקופי, הפייסט ורוח הביטורנט Kopimismכנסיית ה

למשתפי הקבצים השוודים נמאס מה"רדיפות", אז הם החליטו להפוך לדת. למדינה אין בעיה עם זה, לתעשיית המדיה דווקא יש

שוודיה הנחיתה מכה סמלית למאבק בשיתוף הקבצים כשהכירה בקבוצה שמקדמת שיתוף קבצים כדת.
שוודיה, אחת המדינות המקוונות בעולם, היתה זמן רב זירת מאבק בין התומכים בשיתוף הקבצים לבין המדיה. המדינה הולידה גם את אתר שיתוף הקבצים הגדול בעולם - ה-PirateBay.
רישום כנסיית הקופימיזם (Kopimism) היא דרך להימנע מ"רדיפות", נמסר באתר הקבוצה, שזכתה להכרה משוודיה בחודש שעבר.
השם קופימיזם הגיע מהמילים "העתק אותי", ואתר הכנסייה מבהיר כי היא תומכת בכל הסוגים של הורדה והעלאה של קבצים ורואה בחוקי זכויות יוצרים כהפרה של חופש המידע.
"אנחנו מאמינים כי מידע הוא קדוש", אמר איסק גרסון, שמכנה את עצמו "המנהיג הרוחני" של הכנסייה, שסמליה הם Ctrl C ו-Ctrl V (קיצורי הדרך להעתקה והדבקה).

סמל כנסיית הקופימיזם.
"אנחנו לא חושבים שהעתקה היא גניבה, או אי פעם יכולה להיחשב גניבה", אמר גרסון בן ה-20 לרויטרס.
הערות כאלה עומדות בניגוד מוחלט לטענות של תעשיית המוסיקה והסרטים שנלחמות נגד מה שהן מכנות פיראטיות ורואות את שוודיה כחור שחור של שיתוף קבצים לא חוקי.
למרות שבית משפט שוודי דן את האנשים האחראים לאתר Piratebay למאסר, האתר עדיין זמין בשוודיה ובמדינות אחרות.
לודוויג ורנר, ראש הסניף השוודי של איגוד תעשית המוסיקה (IFPI), סירב להגיב בנושא כנסיית הקופימיזם, אך ציין כי 1.5 מיליון מתוך 9 מיליון אזרחי שוודיה הם משתפי קבצים פעילים.
"זה אומר ששוודיה היא אחת המדינות הפעילות ביותר באירופה בתחום שיתוף הקבצים. אז עדיין יש בעיה, אפילו אם הסטרימינג החוקי סייע לצמצם אותו", אמר בהתייחסו לשירותים למנויים כמו Spotify.
אחרי ביקורת קשה מהוליווד, שוודיה חוקקה חוקים שהוציאו את שיתוף הקבצים מחוץ לחוק. אבל ורנר ציין כי החוק, שהוא יישום מקומי של חוק של האיחוד האירופי, מוקפא בשל עתירה לבית משפט שוודי, שהגיעה כבר לבית המשפט העליון של האיחוד האירופי.
זה אומר ששוודיה נותרה עם הליכים מסורבלים ואיטיים יותר למלחמה בפיראטיות קבצים.

יום חמישי, 19 בינואר 2012

Florida Republicans Introduce Bill That Would Keep Privatization A Secret From The People

Florida Republicans Introduce Bill That Would Keep Privatization A Secret From The People

January 18, 2012

What if you woke up one morning and your government job was being eliminated by a corporation? What if you woke up to find that Wall Street now controlled Medicare, Social Security, and public education? What if you woke up to find that every single government service had been privatized overnight and that the prices for those services had skyrocketed because of corporate greed? Now imagine that the government kept this change a total secret. Well it looks like Florida is heading in that direction.

Florida Republicans are desperate to privatize the prison system in the state, which had been stalled by a judge in Tallahassee. So, they have introduced SB 2036 and SB 2038 to do just that. The measures would allow the state government to privatize prisons in secret and would also allow the government to secretly outsource the work of other state agencies. In other words, citizens could literally wake up one morning and find that their government by the people, for the people, and of the people has been given to corporations that don’t give a damn about what the people have to say. But that’s not all. The measures also give agencies the option of not reporting the privatization of a program until after it has already been done. So citizens won’t even have a chance to object. The bills also give the state legislature the power to privatize any government function it wants.
Imagine this on a federal level. Let’s say Wall Street secretly negotiates with the Social Security Administration or Congress to privatize the Social Security trust fund. Basically, the deal can happen without anybody saying a word to the American people. We could all wake up one morning and discover that our retirement money is no longer guaranteed by the government, but being gambled away on Wall Street by greedy fat cats.
The reason Republicans want to privatize everything is because they claim the private sector is less expensive. But they are wrong as usual. It’s either that or they’re lying. Privatization is costlier than the public sector. Take education for example. Each year, every American pays a few dollars in taxes to fund public schools. If you send your child to a public school, you’re saving thousands of dollars per year because if you send you’re child to private school, it’ll cost you thousands.
Now let’s look at health care. There’s a reason why medical services are cheaper in countries that have government run health care. It’s because the private sector doesn’t have a role. Government is not a profit driven organization. Obviously the government wants to take in more than it spends but it isn’t a greedy private sector company that needs profit to survive. Private companies have one goal: to make money. To make that money and pay their CEO’s massive salaries, they must keep prices high. You see, government, unlike private companies, don’t have to pay insane salaries. Government workers make considerably less than private sector workers. And no government worker makes a million dollars a year. Not even the President.
Private contractors also cost more money. Contractors often overcharge for their services. Ever heard the one about it costing the government $5,000 for a hammer, $20,000 for a toilet seat? Yeah, that happens when government uses contractors. All the hidden costs and fees nickel and dime the taxpayers. That’s why the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cost us so much money. It wasn’t the wars as much as it was the contractors. The point is, privatization is just another way of saying that corporations want what rightfully belongs to the people. The people own the government by Constitutional right, and all the services it provides. That means the people own their health care, their education, their transportation, their environment, their defense and everything else government does. So why would we want to surrender what is rightfully ours to a corporation that doesn’t answer to us? It’s not like we can elect new corporate leaders if they
screw us over. But with government, we have that capability.
These Florida bills are an alarming threat to transparency and democracy. They serve as a model for Republicans on the federal level. And you know they are considering the option. If Republicans can’t convince the American people to give up what they own to the private sector, they’ll pass a bill so that they can take it from us while we sleep.

The First Church of Pirate Bay

January 12, 2012

The First Church of Pirate Bay

The city of Uppsala has seen its share of religious congregations. In ancient times, it was the main pagan center of Sweden, famed for its temple to the Old Norse gods. In the Middle Ages, it became a Christian stronghold. Today, Uppsala is home to Isak Gerson, a bright, polite, twenty-year-old philosophy student and the spiritual leader of the Missionary Church of Kopimism, which last week became Sweden’s newest registered religion. Modern Sweden isn’t known as a particularly religious place: in a recent poll, only seventeen per cent of Swedes said that faith is an important part of their lives. But Sweden is known, in recent years, as a hotbed of online piracy and anti-copyright activism. That’s the tradition from which Kopimism arises.
The religion’s history goes something like this: In 2001, a lobby group called the Antipiratbyrån—the Anti-Piracy Bureau—was formed in Sweden to combat copyright infringement. In 2003, members of a growing free-information movement copied the lobby group’s name, but removed the “anti,” calling themselves Piratbyrån—the Piracy Bureau. Later that same year, Piratbyrån created a Web site called The Pirate Bay, which quickly became the world’s most notorious source for downloading feature films, TV shows, and software. In 2005, Ibrahim Botani, a Kurdish immigrant to Sweden and a central figure in Piratbyrån, designed a kind of un-copyright logo called “kopimi” (pronounced “copy me”). Adding the kopimi mark to a work of intellectual property indicates that you not only give permission for it to be copied but actively encourage it.

After Botani died unexpectedly, in 2010, Piratbyrån decided to disband. But The Pirate Bay still thrives, despite an ongoing criminal case against its operators. And in 2006, Rick Falkvinge founded Sweden’s Pirate Party, a political party that runs on a pro-Internet platform, with special emphasis on copyright and patent reform. Gerson is an active member: “I’ve been managing local campaigns for the election,” he told me. “And I’ve been working a lot with the Young Pirates Association—the youth wing of the Party.”
The Missionary Church of Kopimism picks up where Piratbyrån left off: it has taken the values of Swedish Pirate movement and codified them into a religion. They call their central sacrament “kopyacting,” wherein believers copy information in communion with each other, most always online, and especially via file-sharing. Ibi Botani’s kopimi mark—a stylized “k” inside a pyramid—is their religious symbol, as are CTRL+C and CTRL+V. Where Christian clergy might sign a letter “yours in Christ,” Kopimists write, “Copy and seed.” They have no god.
“We see the world as built on copies,” Gerson told me. “We often talk about originality; we don’t believe there’s any such thing. It’s certainly that way with life—most parts of the world, from DNA to manufacturing, are built by copying.” The highest form of worship, he said, is the remix: “You use other people’s works to make something better.”
Fittingly, it was exactly this kind of collaborative spirit that led to the founding of the Missionary Church of Kopimism. In a blog post last week, Peter Sunde, one of the founders of The Pirate Bay, suggested that Kopimism as a religion had originated from a comment made by one of its opponents. Several years ago, he wrote, a Swedish lawyer for the M.P.A.A. was asked about file-sharing advocates. She replied, “It’s just a few people, very loud. They’re a cult. They call themselves Kopimists.” Sunde thought this cult business sounded like a good idea, and looked into registering Kopimism as a religion, but never followed through. Gerson did. “This is one of the essential things with how the internet and kopimism works,” Sunde wrote. “If you don’t do it, someone else will.”
In Sweden, the separation of church and state became law on January 1, 2000, the day that the Lutheran Church of Sweden stopped being the official state church. Since then, a government agency called the Kammarkollegiet has accepted applications for the legal recognition of religions. “They don’t make any kind of assessment of what the beliefs are, and the association is not sanctioned by the state,” Anders Bäckström, a professor of the sociology of religion at Uppsala University, told me. But the recognition of Kopimism, he said, is “a new situation. We haven’t seen anything of its kind before.” The most comparable previous effort was in 2008, when Carlos Bebeacua, a Uruguayan artist living in Sweden, attempted to register the Church of the Madonna of the Orgasm. The Kammarkollegiet refused his application, and in 2010 the Administrative Court of Appeal upheld the rejection, arguing that the “madonna” (but not the “orgasm”) part of the church’s name would “cause offense not only in the broad groups of the population that have Christian roots, but also in society as a whole.”
Kopimism apparently raised no such qualms. Or maybe the Kopimists are just better than the Orgasmists at filling out government paperwork. “It’s exactly the same process as registering a business company,” Professor Bäckström said. But he thinks it’s unlikely that Kopimism’s success will inspire a flood of new applications. “In Sweden, we have many small New Age groups, but most of them have made no effort to be recognized,” he said. “Being recognized might mean they are opened to government scrutiny.”
For the Missionary Church of Kopimism, which holds up privacy as one of its chief values, such scrutiny could be a big problem, and it’s not clear what they’ll gain from registration. “We don’t really get any formal rights or benefits,” Gerson said. “We can apply for the right to marry people. There is government aid we can apply for, but we have no such plans today. I don’t, at least.” Rick Falkvinge, the Pirate Party founder, speculated that if the Church incorporated the seal of confession into its rites, members could take advantage of the confidentiality that comes with certain privileged conversations. Generally, though, Sweden offers few legal exemptions for religious practice. No one, Gerson included, has any expectation that registration will exempt Church members from copyright law. “What the registration has done mostly is strengthen our identity,” Gerson said. “I think it will be easier to find new members now that we’re recognized.”
I asked him if he’d seen a boost in converts since the news broke. “I actually haven’t checked,” he said. “If you want I could do it right now.” There was a pause while he logged on to the registry: to join the Missionary Church of Kopimism simply requires filling out an online form, as easy as signing up for a mailing list. “Right now we have a little more than four thousand,” he said, with no particular enthusiasm. “We got twelve hundred new members in the last week.”
Gerson told me that religious persecution is a “big concern” for the church’s adherents. “We all fear going to court for copyright infringement,” he said. This, of course, has been a worry for file-sharers long before it was formalized as a religion. What the Missionary Church of Kopimism has done is almost a reverse of how religious persecution usually works: whereas religions have often turned to protest because they feel persecuted, Gerson and his followers, feeling persecuted, turned to religion, in order to reframe and get attention for their protest. (It may sound silly to speak of file-sharing in terms of persecution, but when you think of the case of Thomas Drake, or of Bradley Manning, it seems a little less silly.) And Kopimism is hardly the only faith to have been inspired or shaped by a particular political cause. The Rastafari movement, for example, is as much an anti-colonial resistance movement as it is a religion.
When Gerson talks about Kopimism as a religion, his tone is good-humored, but he also comes off as disarmingly sincere. Even if this religious-registration business is just a bit of political theatre, there’s no doubt that there’s an honestly and deeply held conviction at its core: the free exchange of information as a fundamental right. But is that enough to make it a genuine religion? When I asked Professor Bäckström, he hesitated. “Today you can believe in anything, so I suppose the idea of belief is a minor issue in a Northern European setting,” he said. “Belief can be a very wide concept.” He admitted, though, that he suspects that Kopimism is primarily an activist prank.
“I don’t think it’s a joke at all,” Gerson told me. “I think that many religions have been ridiculed over the years. I don’t think we’re the first to experience it.” The pirate movement’s political arm, the Pirate Party, provides one possible future path for Kopimism. People didn’t take the Pirate Party seriously at first, either. Then its membership exceeded that of the Green Party, and then the Liberal Party and the Christian Democrats, and then the Centre Party, and then the Young Pirates Association became the largest youth organization of any Swedish political party, and then several other parties and a number of prominent politicians shifted their stances on piracy in a more pirate-friendly direction, and then the Party spread to forty countries. Now the Pirate Party actually holds two seats in the European Parliament. These are early days for the Missionary Church of Kopimism. Who can say how far its gospel will spread?

Read more http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/culture/2012/01/the-missionary-church-of-kopimism.html#ixzz1jrk8qtKi

We have officially submitted an application to be recognized



We have officially submitted an application to be recognized

Great news Kopimist’s of New Zealand and worldwide we have today officially submitted an application to the New Zealand Charities Commission to register as The New Zealand Missionary Church of Kopimism, if successful we will have formal recognition which will be great news for our religion. Now that we have the process moving we need lots of support from Kopimist’s worldwide to spread this message and make it known that we mean business. If you have any questions you can contact me by clicking the ‘Contact’ tab above.
Copy & Seed.. Bookmark the permalink.


יום רביעי, 18 בינואר 2012

Be a HERO and Help STOP SOPA Now!! I'll tell you How!

Be a HERO and Help STOP SOPA Now!! I'll tell you How!

Uploaded by on Jan 17, 2012
Go to http://onecandleinthedark.blogspot.com and http://www.cbsyousuck.com for thousands of pages of evidence and links to the original source research on the Internet Wayback Machine.

Originally Uploaded by JeepersMedia--------



Imagine a World Without Free Knowledge

Imagine a World
Without Free Knowledge

For over a decade, we have spent millions of hours building the largest encyclopedia in human history. Right now, the U.S. Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open Internet. For 24 hours, to raise awareness, we are blacking out Wikipedia. Learn more.

Make your voice heard

SOPA and PIPA - Learn more WIKI P

What can I read to get more information?

Try these links:
As of midnight PT, January 18, Google has 3,740 articles about the blackout. Here are a few:

יום שלישי, 17 בינואר 2012

Digital piracy group recognised as a religion

i dont like the title or the picture very much

English Wikipedia anti-SOPA blackout

From the Wikimedia Foundation

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To: English Wikipedia Readers and Community From: Sue Gardner, Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director Date: January 16, 2012

Today, the Wikipedia community announced its decision to black out the English-language Wikipedia for 24 hours, worldwide, beginning at 05:00 UTC on Wednesday, January 18 (you can read the statement from the Wikimedia Foundation here). The blackout is a protest against proposed legislation in the United States—the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of Representatives, and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) in the U.S. Senate—that, if passed, would seriously damage the free and open Internet, including Wikipedia.
This will be the first time the English Wikipedia has ever staged a public protest of this nature, and it’s a decision that wasn’t lightly made. Here’s how it’s been described by the three Wikipedia administrators who formally facilitated the community’s discussion. From the public statement, signed by User:NuclearWarfare, User:Risker and User:Billinghurst:
It is the opinion of the English Wikipedia community that both of these bills, if passed, would be devastating to the free and open web.
Over the course of the past 72 hours, over 1800 Wikipedians have joined together to discuss proposed actions that the community might wish to take against SOPA and PIPA. This is by far the largest level of participation in a community discussion ever seen on Wikipedia, which illustrates the level of concern that Wikipedians feel about this proposed legislation. The overwhelming majority of participants support community action to encourage greater public action in response to these two bills. Of the proposals considered by Wikipedians, those that would result in a “blackout” of the English Wikipedia, in concert with similar blackouts on other websites opposed to SOPA and PIPA, received the strongest support.
On careful review of this discussion, the closing administrators note the broad-based support for action from Wikipedians around the world, not just from within the United States. The primary objection to a global blackout came from those who preferred that the blackout be limited to readers from the United States, with the rest of the world seeing a simple banner notice instead. We also noted that roughly 55% of those supporting a blackout preferred that it be a global one, with many pointing to concerns about similar legislation in other nations.
In making this decision, Wikipedians will be criticized for seeming to abandon neutrality to take a political position. That’s a real, legitimate issue. We want people to trust Wikipedia, not worry that it is trying to propagandize them.
But although Wikipedia’s articles are neutral, its existence is not. As Wikimedia Foundation board member Kat Walsh wrote on one of our mailing lists recently,
We depend on a legal infrastructure that makes it possible for us to operate. And we depend on a legal infrastructure that also allows other sites to host user-contributed material, both information and expression. For the most part, Wikimedia projects are organizing and summarizing and collecting the world’s knowledge. We’re putting it in context, and showing people how to make to sense of it.
But that knowledge has to be published somewhere for anyone to find and use it. Where it can be censored without due process, it hurts the speaker, the public, and Wikimedia. Where you can only speak if you have sufficient resources to fight legal challenges, or, if your views are pre-approved by someone who does, the same narrow set of ideas already popular will continue to be all anyone has meaningful access to.
The decision to shut down the English Wikipedia wasn’t made by me; it was made by editors, through a consensus decision-making process. But I support it.
Like Kat and the rest of the Wikimedia Foundation Board, I have increasingly begun to think of Wikipedia’s public voice, and the goodwill people have for Wikipedia, as a resource that wants to be used for the benefit of the public. Readers trust Wikipedia because they know that despite its faults, Wikipedia’s heart is in the right place. It’s not aiming to monetize their eyeballs or make them believe some particular thing, or sell them a product. Wikipedia has no hidden agenda: it just wants to be helpful.
That’s less true of other sites. Most are commercially motivated: their purpose is to make money. That doesn’t mean they don’t have a desire to make the world a better place—many do!—but it does mean that their positions and actions need to be understood in the context of conflicting interests.
My hope is that when Wikipedia shuts down on January 18, people will understand that we’re doing it for our readers. We support everyone’s right to freedom of thought and freedom of expression. We think everyone should have access to educational material on a wide range of subjects, even if they can’t pay for it. We believe in a free and open Internet where information can be shared without impediment. We believe that new proposed laws like SOPA—and PIPA, and other similar laws under discussion inside and outside the United States—don’t advance the interests of the general public. You can read a very good list of reasons to oppose SOPA and PIPA here, from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Why is this a global action, rather than US-only? And why now, if some American legislators appear to be in tactical retreat on SOPA?
The reality is that we don’t think SOPA is going away, and PIPA is still quite active. Moreover, SOPA and PIPA are just indicators of a much broader problem. All around the world, we're seeing the development of legislation intended to fight online piracy, and regulate the Internet in other ways, that hurt online freedoms. Our concern extends beyond SOPA and PIPA: they are just part of the problem. We want the Internet to remain free and open, everywhere, for everyone.

On January 18, we hope you’ll agree with us, and will do what you can to make your own voice heard.
Sue Gardner,
Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation

Hackers disrupt Israel's stock exchange, airline, banks

Hackers disrupt Israel's stock exchange, airline, banks
Stock trading and flights operated normally despite the cyber assaults

updated 1/16/2012 10:31:40 AM ET 2012-01-16T15:31:40
File photo of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish man walking past an El Al Israel Airlines logo at Ben Gurion airportHackers disrupted online access to the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, El Al Airlines and three banks on Monday in what the government described as a cyber-offensive against Israel.
The attacks came just days after an unidentified hacker, proclaiming Palestinian sympathies, posted the details of thousands of Israeli credit card holders and other personal information on the Internet in a mass theft.
Stock trading and El Al flights operated normally despite the disruption, which occurred as Israeli media reported that pro-Palestinian hackers had threatened at the weekend to shut down the TASE stock exchange and airline Web sites.
While apparently confined to areas causing only limited inconvenience, the attacks have caused particular alarm in a country that depends on high-tech systems for much of its defense against hostile neighbors. Officials insist, however, that they pose no immediate security threat.
"They have demanded an apology for Israel's defensive measures," Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said on his Facebook page, alluding to the conflict with Palestinians.
"I am using this platform to send a clear message that ... they will not silence us on the Internet, or in any forum."
The First International Bank of Israel (FIBI) and two subsidiary banks, Massad and Otzar Hahayal, said their marketing sites had been hacked but that sites providing online services to clients were unaffected.
Israel's third-largest bank, Discount, said it had been spared attack, but that it was temporarily shutting down foreign access to its website as a precaution.
The Tel Aviv bourse website could only be accessed intermittently, but screen-based trading was not hit.
"There has been an attack by hackers on the access routes to the website," said Orna Goren, deputy manager of the exchange's marketing and communications unit. "The stock exchange's trading activities are operating normally."
El Al said it had taken precautions to protect the company site and warned of possible disruptions to its online activity.
There was no claim of responsibility for Monday's incidents.
However, the Islamist group Hamas, which governs the small Palestinian territory of Gaza, welcomed the attacks as a blow against the Jewish state, which it refuses to recognize.
"This is a new field of resistance against the Occupation and we urge Arab youth to develop their methods in electronic warfare in the face of (Israel's) crimes," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said in Gaza.
Israeli Information Minister Yuli Edelstein told a conference in Tel Aviv that the cyber attacks were part of a wider move to smear the country's reputation and "threaten Israel's economic stability and security."
"It's another episode in the war our enemies are conducting as a campaign of delegitimization to hit our pockets and lifestyle," he said, in reported comments confirmed by his spokesman.
"Israel must use all measures at its disposal to prevent these virtual dangers from turning into real threats and to prevent with all its force attacks against it and its institutions. Today it's credit card theft and toppling Web sites, and tomorrow it could be theft of security information and harm to infrastructure."
Israel opened an agency to tackle cyber attacks earlier this month. A founding member of the unit, Isaac Ben-Israel, said the country's most vital systems were already protected, but that incidents like the ones seen recently would only increase.
"As long as the systems are not guarded, any hacker anywhere in the world can break into them and do damage," Ben-Israel said on Israel Radio. "I believe that, done right, in a year or two, we will be able to wipe out all these hackers' threats."
Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters.

Sweden recognizes digital piracy religion: Kopimism

Kopimi (pronounced ‘copy me’), reveres Control-C and Control-V.

Kopimism file sharing religion sweden 05 01 2012
Don't disturb them, they're praying. (Adam Berry/Getty Images)

MALMO, Sweden — The Swedish government has registered a new official religion, and not everyone is happy about it, especially some businesses who fear the move may hurt their profits.

The sect is called Kopimism. It espouses data freedom and copyright piracy.
The Missionary Church of Kopimism has drawn in more than 3,000 members with its message of “All knowledge to All.”
Kopimi (pronounced ‘copy me’), as adherents are known, revere the sacred symbols Control-C and Control-V, and engage in file sharing as a kind of communion. “Being recognized by the state of Sweden is a large step for all of us kopimi,” Isak Gerson, spiritual leader of the Church of Kopimism said.
"Hopefully, this is one step towards the day when we can live out our faith without fear of persecution."
The Church was registered by Sweden’s Karamkollegiet just before Christmas, but Gerson, a philosophy student at the University of Uppsala, said he had only learned of it this week.

Gerson, who has links to Sweden’s anti-copyright Pirate Party, applied for constitutional recognition more than a year ago, and has been required to formalize the kopimi way of prayer and meditation.
“Some people think this religion is a joke,” wrote Rick Falkvinge, the Pirate Party’s founder on Thursday. “Get that idea out of your head immediately.” He said being recognized as a religion could provide new legal protections for file-sharers, potentially making it illegal for the authorities to use ‘confessional’ communications between Kopimi adherents as evidence in a trial.
“The communications between operators of trackers and the people who partake in the sacrament of copying now carries confessional status, by and large making it illegal and impossible to collect as evidence in a trial,” he argued on his blog. “That brings a whole boatload of interesting legal ramifications with regards to trying to persecute the worshipers of holy copying and remixing.”

יום שני, 16 בינואר 2012

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עובדים על זה

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