יום שבת, 20 באוקטובר 2012


!ON LINE NOW ! TESTING !  KOPIMI WEBCAST... http://www.radio2.serban.nl:8000/stream.ogg ...copy link go to vlc>>> media >>> open link from clipboard....! Thx Mazanga Von Badman ..... Requests either FBmessage or Skype me @kopimi.il

יום שני, 1 באוקטובר 2012

File-Sharing for Personal Use Declared Legal in Portugal

File-Sharing for Personal Use Declared Legal in Portugal

Hoping to curb the ever-increasing piracy figures in Portugal, local anti-piracy outfit ACAPOR reported the IP-addresses of 2,000 alleged file-sharers to the Attorney General last year. This week the Portuguese prosecutor came back with a ruling and decided not to go after the individuals connected to the IP-addresses. According to the prosecutor it is not against the law to share copyrighted works for personal use, and an IP-address is not enough evidence to identify a person.
Wearing T-shirts with the slogan “Piracy is Illegal”, the movie industry sponsored anti-piracy group ACAPOR delivered several boxes full of IP-addresses of alleged ‘illegal’ file-sharers to the Attorney General’s Office last year.
The “evidence” was handed over in two batches and the group demanded the authorities act against 2,000 alleged pirates.
“We are doing anything we can to alert the government to the very serious situation in the entertainment industry,” ACAPOR commented at the time, adding that “1000 complaints a month should be enough to embarrass the judiciary system.”
However, a year later it turns out that ACAPOR’s actions have backfired and the anti-piracy group is now facing the embarrassment.
The Department of Investigation and Penal Action (DIAP) looked into the complaints and the prosecutor came back with his order this week. Contrary to what the anti-piracy group had hoped for, the 2,000 IP-addresses will not be taken to court.
Worse for ACAPOR, the prosecutor goes even further by ruling that file-sharing for personal use is not against the law.
“From a legal point of view, while taking into account that users are both uploaders and downloaders in these file-sharing networks, we see this conduct as lawful, even when it’s considered that the users continue to share once the download is finished.”
The prosecutor adds that the right to education, culture, and freedom of expression on the Internet should not be restricted in cases where the copyright infringements are clearly non-commercial.
In addition, the order notes that an IP-address is not a person.
The ruling explains that the person connected to the IP-address “is not necessarily the user at the moment the infringement takes place, or the user that makes available the copyrighted work, but rather the individual who has the service registered in his name, independent of whether this person using it or not”
This means that the account holders connected to these 2,000 IPs are not necessarily all copyright infringers, similar to orders we’ve seen in the United States previously.
Finally, the prosecutor ruled that even if file-sharing for personal use would be seen as illegal, the artists themselves should explicitly declare that there are not authorizing copying for personal use.
ACAPOR boss Nuno Pereira is disappointed with the decision and he accuses the prosecutor of dropping the case because it’s the easy way out.
“Personally I think the prosecutors just found a way to adapt the law to their interest – and their interest is not having to send 2,000 letters, hear 2,000 people and investigate 2,000 computers,” Pereira says.
Another way to frame it is that the prosecutor adapted the law in the interest of the public at large, which is generally speaking not a bad idea.
While the decision is hopeful for Portuguese file-sharers, it is still a matter of how the law is interpreted. For now, however, it is save to assume that Portugal is spared from the mass-BitTorrent lawsuits we’ve seen in the United States, Germany and the UK.

יום חמישי, 30 באוגוסט 2012

יום רביעי, 29 באוגוסט 2012

political persecution of social activists including Zvika Shamir Guy

Posted: 29/08/12 14:11 Post subject: government offices on face political persecution of social activists including foreign Zvika Shamir Guy

לכבוד דובר משרד ראש הממשלה, דובר משרד המשפטים ודובר המשרד לביטחון פנים, שלושתם יחד וכל אחד לחוד. Spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office and Ministry of Justice spokesman Homeland Security spokesman, three of them together and separately.
באמצעות דוא"ל ופקסימיליה Via email and facsimile

שלום רב, Hello,
הח"מ מבקש להפנות את תשומת ליבם של הנהלת משרדי ראש הממשלה, המשפטים והביטחון פנים לתופעות התמוהות והחמורות המפורטות להלן, The undersigned wishes to draw the attention of the management offices of the Prime Minister, Justice and Internal Security peculiar and severe symptoms listed below,

אנו עדים לאחרונה לפעילות פוליטית של משטרת ישראל, הפרקליטות ובתי המשפט הרודפים פעילים חברתיים המוחים נגד התנהלות מוסדות המדינה. We have recently witnessed political activities of the Israeli police, prosecution and courts pursuers social activists protesting against the conduct of state institutions.
צילום של מנהיגים בהפגנות ורדיפתם בין היתר על ידי מעצרים חוזרים הפכו לצערינו לדבר שבשגרה להביא לסתימת פיות במדינת ישראל. Photo of the leaders in the demonstrations and persecution in part by repeated arrests became commonplace Sorry to bring to silence Israel.

חזקה היא כי מעצרים אלה מבוצעים בתיאום עם שירות הביטחון הכללי, אשר מניסיון פעילים רבים, מרשה לעצמו להתערב בעניינים חברתיים קרי פוליטים בטענה הגרוטסקית כי השב"כ גם עוסק בפיקוח על גופים החותרים נגד הדמוקרטיה הישראלית. כאשר אין יותר בוטה מפעילות נגד פעילים חברתיים כדי להעיד על חתירה אנטי דמוקרטית מצד השב"כ עצמו וראש הממשלה אליו הוא כפוף. It is presumed that these arrests are made ​​in coordination with the General Security Service, which many activists experience, allows himself to intervene in social matters ie grotesque political grounds that the GSS also supervises the entities striving against democracy. While there are no blatant action against social activists to testify the anti-democratic striving for the ISA itself and the Prime Minister it is bent.

הופתענו לשמוע גם על המקרה של מר גיא שמיר העצור מזה מספר שבועות בחיפה על כביכול איום על חיי ילדי שופטת בטענה המגוחכת כי אמר למזכירתה כי השופט תדאג לילדים שלה (בכוונה כי תניח לו עם הילדים שלו וכי הוא ידאג לעצמו), תוך שהאחרונה ניתקה את הטלפון ולא נתנה לו לסיים את השיחה, כך על פי טענת קרוביו. We were surprised to hear about the case of Mr. Guy Shamir detained for several weeks in Haifa on the alleged threat to the lives of children in the ridiculous claim that the judge told her secretary that the judge not worry about her children (the intent that leave him with his children and that he would take care of itself), while the latter hung up the phone and not let him end the call, according to claim his relatives.

היום אנו שומעים על חקירתו של מר צביקה זר, ככל הנראה בגין יחסי הידידות שלו עם מר גיא שמיר, בתחנת מרחב חוף חיפה אחרי שנחטף באישון לילה מביתו בתל אביב, גם הוא פעיל חברתי המוחה נגד ההתנהלות השערורייתית של מוסדות החוק והרווחה כלפי האבות הגרושים, התנהלות אשר זכתה בשנה האחרונה לביקורת אף ממוסדות האו"ם ולתביעות שונות בחו"ל מצד אותם פעילים. Today we hear about the interrogation of Mr. Zvika stranger, apparently due to his friendships with Mr. Guy Shamir, at the Space Coast Haifa after being kidnapped in the night from his home in Tel Aviv, is also a social activist protesting against the conduct egregious of the institutions of law and welfare for divorced fathers, conduct who won last year also criticized the UN institutions and different demands on them active abroad.
כמצוטט מתוך דו"ח האו"ם מיום 16.12.2011 Quoted from the UN report dated 16/12/2011

22. 22. The Committee is concerned that, in the case of a divorce, custody of children up to the age of six is always given to mothers, and that fathers are often required to pay child support awards that exceed their income, and if not that their freedom of movement is seriously curtailed. The Committee is concerned that, in the case of a divorce, custody of children up to the age of six is always given to mothers, and that fathers are often required to pay child support awards that exceed their income, and if not that their freedom of movement is seriously curtailed. The Committee is concerned that divorced fathers often are required to visit their children in supervised visitation centers during their working hours, which leads to the accumulation of work absences and the risk of dismissal. The Committee is concerned that divorced fathers often are required to visit their children in supervised visitation centers during their working hours, which leads to the accumulation of work absences and the risk of dismissal. (art.10) (Art.10)

http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cescr/docs/co/EC-12-ISR-CO-3_en. http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cescr/docs/co/EC-12-ISR-CO-3_en. doc doc

כאשר עולה חשד כבד ביותר כי מדיניות זו נגד אבות גרושים, הינו חלק מהאמצעים אשר מפעילה מדינת ישראל ליישם מדיניות בלתי רשמית של סלקציה כלפי השכבות החלשות/מזרחים/אטיופים, מדיניות גזענית המבוססת על תורת הדרוויניזם חברתי המצויה לצערינו עד היום בתחומים שונים במדינת ישראל ואשר הינה השקפתם הבלתי רשמית של מספר בכירים עבריינים וגזענים הפועלים ככל הנראה במשרדכם ובמשרד הרווחה, אותם "פקידים דרוויניסטים" אשר ראוי כי תאתרו ותסלקו ממוסדותיה של מדינת ישראל בהקדם האפשרי. When is a strong suspicion that most policy against divorced fathers, is part of the measures which runs the State of Israel to implement policies an official selection for the poor / Oriental / Atiofim, racist policy based on the theory of Social Darwinism found Sorry to date in various areas in Israel, which is The informal view of a number of senior criminals and racists apparently working at your office and welfare, these "officials Darwinists" which should locate and Take away the institutions of the State of Israel as soon as possible.

מכאן אני פונה לדוברי משרד ראש הממשלה, המשרד לביטחון פנים ומשרד המשפטים בבקשה לברר מדוע עובדי מדינה במשרדכם פועלים לרדוף את האזרחים המוחים נגד אי הצדק השורר אצלכם. Hence I appeal to the Prime Minister's speakers, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice please find out why State employees in your office workers persecute citizens protesting injustice prevailing in your country. נראה ראוי כי במקום זאת יופנו משאבים אלה לטיפול במדיניות המעוותת החמורה והקיצונית השוררת במשרדכם כלפי האבות הגרושים ובאופן כללי יותר נגד השכבות החלשות המכתימה את מדינת ישראל באות קלון אשר אינו מצוי במדינות מערביות מתוקנות. Seems appropriate that instead of these resources will be channeled for the distorted policy prevails egregious your office for divorced fathers and more generally against the poor that marred the State of Israel dishonorably which is not found in Western countries are corrected.

התנהלותם של שופטים שוטרים ופקידים עם יד קלה על ההדק של המעצרים וכתבי אישום, המנצלים לרעה את כוח משרתם לדכא כל ביקורת נגדם הינו מעשה חמור אשר אין מקומו בחברה דמוקרטית. Conduct of judges, police officers and officials with a light hand on the trigger of arrests and indictments, who abuse the power of their office to suppress any criticism against them is a serious act which has no place in a democratic society.
האם יש בכוונת הנהלת משרדכם לעשות בירור יסודי במשרדכם ולשים קץ לרדיפה אנטי דמוקרטית זו? Is your firm's management intends to do thorough in your office and put an end to the persecution of this anti-democratic?
תשובה מתחמכת מצידכם תתפרש כי הנהלת משרדכם ערה לתופעות אלה ואף מגבה אותם תוך הפניית עורף לתפקידם כמשרתים נאמנים של הציבור, מכאן אודה לכם להשיב עניינים ולהתייחס גם לשני המקרים המצויינים לעיל. Answer Mthmct your part shall be construed that the management of your firm aware of these phenomena and backs them while turning away from their role as faithful public, hence thank you to answer and issues to address the two cases listed above.

חיים יטיב Life Yativ

דובר Spokesman
נקים ישראל ע"ר למען מינהל תקין בישראל Establish Israel Association for Proper Administration of Israel

קיבוץ הר עמשא Kibbutz Har Amasa
90403 90 403

נא תשובתכם בדוא"ל ל: haim@nakim.org Please email your answer to: Haim@nakim.org

_________________ _________________

הסקר קובע: רוב הציבור בישראל סבור שהשחיתות פוגעת בחייו היום יומיים, The survey states that most of the Israeli public believes that corruption affects everyday life,
חתום על העצומה נגד שחיתות הממסד ומערכת המשפט והצטרף ל"נקים" Sign the petition against the corrupt establishment and the judiciary and joined L"nkim "

ניתן להשיג את חיים יטיב הדובר של ארגון "נקים" בדוא"ל:haim@nakim.org You can get live Yativ speaker of the "establish" email: haim@nakim.org

השופט מישאל חשין:המלחמה בשחיתות היא מלחמה להגנה עצמית בה לא לוקחים שבויים Justice Cheshin: the fight against corruption is a war of self-defense which take no prisoners

fathers rights

was in for reasons & to shut the down fathers rights


יום שישי, 17 באוגוסט 2012

Israeli Torture Witness Jailed on Trumped-Up Charges

Israeli Torture Witness Jailed on Trumped-Up Charges

by I.P. Dailey, UnPromisedLand channel


STOUGHTON, WI – August 16, 2012. An Israeli magistrate court in Haifa extended the detention of Guy Shamir who has been held without bail since last Friday. The complaint against him alleges that he threatened the children of Esperanza Alon, a family court judge in Haifa. Each day this

week the police extended his detention for an additional 24 hours. Concurrently the state prosecutor’s office announced its intent to indict. Now the prosecution is asking to keep Shamir in jail without bail until the end of the trial.

According to the complaint, the incident arose during a telephone conversation between Alon’s secretary and Shamir on August 6th – four days before Shamir’s arrest. The indictment states that Alon’s secretary called Shamir directly instead of contacting his attorney to make sure that Shamir would clearly receive the judge's ruling against him on the custody of his
children. Shamir allegedly said in response, "I don’t care about the judge’s ruling. Tell her to mind her own children . . . ." At that point the secretary hung up the phone before Shamir could finish his response.

Attorney Raz Misgav, who was appointed yesterday to represent Shamir, points out that the complaint which the police filed against Shamir is only made by the judge’s secretary.
Alon herself did not make a complaint against him at all. Furthermore, the 4-day wait to arrest Shamir is not consistent with seriousness of the allegation - as if the charges were in fact trumped-up.

"I tell you, I saw a lot of wacky claims in my life,” said Misgav. “This claim is the most surreal thing that I have seen so far. He never threatened anyone. The call was cut short by the secretary. Moreover, I certainly will recommend my client
to submit a counterclaim against the police and state prosecutor with the Appellate Court. They arrested him, imprison him without bail and prosecute him over this? It is something completely unrealistic which I have never seen in my career.”

"It is important to note that my client signed affidavits as a witness for lawsuits pending in the United States. These lawsuits allege the Israeli judicial system hunts down divorced fathers exactly as they are doing to my client right now."

On July 12th police raided the home of David Weisskopf, a plaintiff in one of the lawsuits. They confiscated his documents related to his lawsuit against Israeli officials alleging he and other divorced fathers are torture victims. The police confiscated several documents including witness affidavits and reference to another lawsuit pending in New Jersey against the same Israeli officials. Since then, they have been using those confiscated documents to harass plaintiffs and witnesses in these lawsuits. According to an injunction requested today in the New Jersey lawsuit, the Israeli officials are even trying to bully a rabbi into allowing that plaintiff’s body to be desecrated “after his death”. Now Guy Shamir, a divorced father of two, is the latest victimized विटनेस.

“They are using our children as pawns to attack us,” says Weisskopf. “In Shamir’s case they are retaliating by trying to sever all contact between him and his children. I know Guy; he is one of the most loving & gentle fathers I have ever met. Their extreme tactics will only galvanize us in our fight for our children’s basic human rights.”

Social Justice activists have announced they will continue protesting against the arrest of Guy Shamir. They hope that by raising public awareness the government will take notice and clean up corruption that currently permeates the Israeli judicial and welfare systems.

משגב: "זו התביעה ההזויה ביותר שראיתי עד כה"

ע''י אליק מאור

גיא שמיר, פעיל מחאה, נעצר ומואשם על ידי פרקליטות חיפה כי איים על שופטת בית המשפט לענייני משפחה. השופטת לא התלוננה. מזכירתה כן. הבוקר יובא שמיר לדיון בדרישת הפרקליטות לעוצרו עד תום הליכים. פרקליטו ייעץ היום למרשו להגיש מייד בג"ץ נגד משטרת ישראל והפרקליטות על מעצר ותביעת שווא.

[מאמר שלם בעברית נמצא כאן: http://megafon-news.co.il/asys/archives/73306]

More privacy fears as Facebook buys facial-recognition startup for undisclosed sum | Mail Online

Facebook is bringing one of its long-term vendors, a facial-recognition technology company Face.com, in-house.

The Israeli company's technology helps people tag photos on the Web by figuring out who is in the pictures.

The deal bolsters one of Facebook's most popular features – the sharing and handling of photos – but the use of the startup's technology has spurred concerns about user privacy.


Zuckerberg: Facebook is bringing one of its long-term vendors, facial-recognition technology company Face.com, in-house

Media reports in past weeks have pegged the size of the transaction at between $80 million to $100 million, but two people familiar with the terms of the deal said the actual price was below the low-end of that range.

Other sources suggest the deal is closer to $60m.

Facebook, which will acquire the technology and the employees of the 11-person Israeli company, said in a prepared statement that the deal allows the company to bring a 'long-time technology vendor in house.'

More privacy fears as Facebook buys facial-recognition startup for undisclosed sum | Mail Online.


יום חמישי, 7 ביוני 2012

Donate help feed Mazanga & children:

Donate help feed Mazanga & children:

This 100% disabled veteran, me a divorced single father of 3 is now forced to beg people for help. My children and I are the ones in need, I am seriously ashamed that there is no other choice than to beg. My disability check has been cut drastically and it impossible to pay rent and feed my children. I beg of all who reads this please donatenews flash my disability has been taken away i have no i

I entered the service during the 80's and have served 20+ years in various qualifications and skill levels in a special unit of the combat engineers. I was discharged because of injuries sustained in the field during mission, also discovered after many years of incompetent doctor visits, I suffer from a body full of Fibromyalgia. Among other severe pain inducing conditions caused and aggravated by 20 years military service above and beyond all possible call. Today my life and I, are nothing to compare with how we once were, my body and mind have often betrayed me. As with many others that I had learned to trust, value and rely upon, I have been cheated, lied to, abused and let down by them all.
Thank you,


P.S. I read all you people on veterans day and other holidays copy paste "support your vets". This divorced single father of 3 and 100% disabled veteran now needs all your support badly. No one responds to a honest and a real plea for help, its easy to copy n paste meaningless words and bullshit.... But when I call u on it (copy & paste) I get deleted from your friends list, I get cursed out n told that I did nothing and in short to go fuck myself. Now I truly see now how far you support disabled vets that served put their ass on the line and get nothing in return, this disabled vet has been fucked over by "the system" for too long and is now made to beg strangers for help. I am sure 99% of you would not have any trouble in donating the price of a cup of coffee or the price of a burger to some one in need....
As it happens my children and I are the ones in need now and I am seriously ashamed that I have no other choice than to beg. My disability check has been cut drastically and it is impossible to pay rent and feed my children. Again, I beg of all who care enough to read this, please donate !!!! But again its easier to cut paste n do nothing.......3000+ "friends" on facebook, close to the same om myspace, almost 500,000 hits on my blog. Long hours of posting to amuse and educate the masses but u all seem to be in a world of your own, this pains me to no end and makes me very sad.
I humbly thank who ever cares enough to read this and respond as one caring human to another, but sadly I doubt that any of you will.....

יום שלישי, 5 ביוני 2012


PRIVACY NOTICE: Warning - any person and/or institution and/or Agent and/or Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government also using or monitoring/using this website or any of its associated websites, you do NOT have my permission to utilize any of my profile information nor any of the content contained herein including, but not limited to my photos, and/or the comments made about my photos or any other "picture" art posted on my profile.
You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this profile and the contents herein. The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee , agent , student or any personnel under your direction or control.
The contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law. UCC 1-103 1-308 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WITHOUT PREJUDICE

יום שני, 4 ביוני 2012

The Part You Throw Away

What did that old blonde Gal say?
I am the one ...You throw away
I have the beggars eyes, I want a winning horse
needed a tidy Mexican divorce
St. Mary's prayers, Houdini's Hands
And A Badman who always, Understands....
I can't help thinking, As I close the door
I have done all of this, Many times before.
You will forget the Tune that you play
For I am the one ...You throw away
Ah, I am the one You throw away

יום שבת, 19 במאי 2012

Microsoft: drive-by Trojan preying on out-of-date Java installations

Microsoft: drive-by Trojan preying on out-of-date Java installations

on August 20, 2010
A piece by Marian Radu on Microsoft’s Technet Blog is warning that users who have failed to update the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on their machines are vulnerable to drive-by downloads by a Trojan called Unruy. That Trojan has been associated with rogue security products. Radu said the vulnerability (which was patched in March) is being actively exploited.
Browsers running JRE versions up to version 6 update 18 are vulnerable. The current JRE version today is version 6, update 21.

Microsoft Technet blog piece here: “Unruy downloader uses CVE-2010-0094 Java vulnerability”
 Users can easily check their version of Java and download necessary updates here: http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
Tom Kelchner

Microsoft: drive-by Trojan preying on out-of-date Java installations

יום רביעי, 16 במאי 2012

duckduckgo.co.il localized settings for Israel

localized https SAFE settings for Israel !!! tell your friends, tnx

יום שני, 30 בינואר 2012

The Internet Has Been Effectively Destroyed: SOPA and PIPA was a distraction for ACTA

The internet is effectively being censored by the ACTA legislation which surpasses local and national governments as it is an international treaty signed by executive agreement. It is not simply the 22 EU Member States that have signed the ACTA legislation. The list includes:

-United States
-the European Union and 22 Member States
-New Zealand
-Singapore and South Korea

While 'we the people' were mobilising against SOPA and PIPA, reporting it all over the internet, raising awarness and (for the American citizens) calling senate representitive and congress people and urging them to repeal their support- our federal governments have implemented similiar legislation through executive agreements and other means.

We were duped. However many have mobilised against it. In belguim there were protests 9gag.com... as there were protests in Poland. In Australia many groups concerned with internet freedoms have appealed to our federal government.

However some of the alarming facts are that the public wasn't permitted to see the ACTA legislation untill after implementation. ACTA was being promotted by the G8 in 2008 and early drafts were considered in Wellington New Zealand in 2010. However, both the Bush and Obama administration refused to show their citizens the contents of the ACTA legislation as it would "cause damage to the national security".


We were all fooled. It is time we take a stand once again and save online freedoms.

יום ראשון, 29 בינואר 2012

Judge: Americans can be forced to decrypt their laptops

American citizens can be ordered to decrypt their PGP-scrambled hard drives for police to peruse for incriminating files, a federal judge in Colorado ruled today in what could become a precedent-setting case.
Judge Robert Blackburn ordered a Peyton, Colo., woman to decrypt the hard drive of a Toshiba laptop computer no later than February 21--or face the consequences including contempt of court.
PGP Desktop: Even the FBI can't crack it!
PGP Desktop: Even the FBI can't crack it!
(Credit: Symantec)
Blackburn, a George W. Bush appointee, ruled that the Fifth Amendment posed no barrier to his decryption order. The Fifth Amendment says that nobody may be "compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself," which has become known as the right to avoid self-incrimination.
"I find and conclude that the Fifth Amendment is not implicated by requiring production of the unencrypted contents of the Toshiba Satellite M305 laptop computer," Blackburn wrote in a 10-page opinion today. He said the All Writs Act, which dates back to 1789 and has been used to require telephone companies to aid in surveillance, could be invoked in forcing decryption of hard drives as well.
Ramona Fricosu, who is accused of being involved in a mortgage scam, has declined to decrypt a laptop encrypted with Symantec's PGP Desktop that the FBI found in her bedroom during a raid of a home she shared with her mother and children (and whether she's even able to do so is not yet clear).
Colorado Springs attorney Phil Dubois, who once represented PGP creator Phil Zimmermann, now finds himself fighting the feds over encryption a second time.
Colorado Springs attorney Phil Dubois, who once represented PGP creator Phil Zimmermann, now finds himself fighting the feds over encryption a second time.
"I hope to get a stay of execution of this order so we can file an appeal to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals," Fricosu's attorney, Phil Dubois, said this afternoon. "I think it's a matter of national importance. It should not be treated as though it's just another day in Fourth Amendment litigation." (See CNET's interview last year with Dubois, who once represented PGP creator Phil Zimmermann.)
Dubois said that, in addition, his client may not be able to decrypt the laptop for any number of reasons. "If that's the case, then we'll report that fact to the court, and the law is fairly clear that people cannot be punished for failure to do things they are unable to do," he said.
Today's ruling from Blackburn sided with the U.S. Department of Justice, which argued, as CNET reported last summer, that Americans' Fifth Amendment right to remain silent doesn't apply to their encryption passphrases. Federal prosecutors, who did not immediately respond to a request for comment this afternoon, claimed in a brief that:
Public interests will be harmed absent requiring defendants to make available unencrypted contents in circumstances like these. Failing to compel Ms. Fricosu amounts to a concession to her and potential criminals (be it in child exploitation, national security, terrorism, financial crimes or drug trafficking cases) that encrypting all inculpatory digital evidence will serve to defeat the efforts of law enforcement officers to obtain such evidence through judicially authorized search warrants, and thus make their prosecution impossible.
While the U.S. Supreme Court has not confronted the topic, a handful of lower courts have.
In March 2010, a federal judge in Michigan ruled that Thomas Kirschner, facing charges of receiving child pornography, would not have to give up his password. That's "protecting his invocation of his Fifth Amendment privilege against compelled self-incrimination," the court ruled (PDF).
A year earlier, a Vermont federal judge concluded that Sebastien Boucher, who a border guard claims had child porn on his Alienware laptop, did not have a Fifth Amendment right to keep the files encrypted. Boucher eventually complied and was convicted.
Prosecutors in this case have stressed that they don't actually require the passphrase itself, and today's order appears to permit Fricosu to type it in and unlock the files without anyone looking over her shoulder. They say they want only the decrypted data and are not demanding "the password to the drive, either orally or in written form."
Because this involves a Fifth Amendment claim, Colorado prosecutors took the unusual step of seeking approval from headquarters in Washington, D.C.: On May 5, Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer sent a letter to Colorado U.S. Attorney John Walsh saying "I hereby approve your request."
The question of whether a criminal defendant can be legally compelled to cough up his encryption passphrase remains an unsettled one, with law review articles for at least the last 15 years arguing the merits of either approach. (A U.S. Justice Department attorney wrote an article in 1996, for instance, titled "Compelled Production of Plaintext and Keys.")
Much of the discussion has been about what analogy comes closest. Prosecutors tend to view PGP passphrases as akin to someone possessing a key to a safe filled with incriminating documents. That person can, in general, be legally compelled to hand over the key. Other examples include the U.S. Supreme Court saying that defendants can be forced to provide fingerprints, blood samples, or voice recordings.
On the other hand are civil libertarians citing other Supreme Court cases that conclude Americans can't be forced to give "compelled testimonial communications" and extending the legal shield of the Fifth Amendment to encryption passphrases. Courts already have ruled that that such protection extends to the contents of a defendant's minds, the argument goes, so why shouldn't a passphrase be shielded as well?
Fricosu was born in 1974 and living in Peyton as of 2010. She was charged with bank fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering as part of an alleged attempt to use falsified court documents to illegally gain title to homes near Colorado Springs that were facing "imminent foreclosure" or whose owners were relocating outside the state. Some of the charges could yield up to 30 years in prison; she pleaded not guilty. Her husband, Scott Whatcott, was also charged

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